Executive Director

Rev. Eleanor N. Shell, CRFE

These images represent what campus ministry means to Rev. Eleanor Shell. Lifelong friends, mentors who shaped you and always there for the big moments, people who knew you “when” and love you still, a place that always feels like home, a living example of the church is not a building, but the people. Eleanor is a product of not one, but two campus ministries. First, right here in North Carolina at ASU, she struggled with her call at the Westminster-Canterbury Fellowship House cross from First Presbyterian Church Boone. When she started graduate school at the University of Georgia, she found her call nurtured and affirmed at the Presbyterian Student Center. Without these two ministry, Eleanor may not be Presbyterian or a Pastor. Eleanor not only knows how campus ministry impacted her life long-term, but she knows how it has sustained her friends for over 20 years. She feels blessed to be called to minister to Campus Ministers, to advocate for Campus Ministry in NC, and to help start new programs to serve young adults.